Chesterfield,South Carolina
COUNCIL passed a resolution on August 13, 2020 encouraging face coverings be worn while inside retail establishments & other instances where social distancing is not possible.
Town Hall 843-623-2131 ext 0 or 843-623-9104.
Email cftadmin@shtc.net , cftmclerk@shtc.net , cfddavis@shtc.net
Police Department 843-623-2419 or 911
To reduce contact please use the following options for paying your utility bill:
Options for payment of water & sewer bills:
1) You can use the Town’s drop boxes located in the front and rear of the building for payments. Please put your name and address on the envelope to insure proper posting.
2) You can pay via telephone by calling 843-253-0809 – there is no charge to use this system.
3) Mail your bill into Town of Chesterfield, PO Box 350, Chesterfield SC 29709
4)Pay on the web at www.nbspay.net/toc , place the dash in your account number example (706300-00)
Options for payment of fines & tickets:
1) You can mail your fine to Town of Chesterfield, Municipal Court, PO Box 350, Chesterfield SC 29709.
2) To pay a fine online: Step 1: Go to www.Chesterfield-sc.com, Step 2: Click on the blue GOVPAYNET box on home page (near bottom of page), Step 3: Enter your name, ticket number, telephone number and submit. (Example of court date 0719). (Do not put the / in the number) There is a cost for using this service. Govpaynet accepts most credit and debit cards.
Public parks are open, social distancing is necessary. The Hut will remains open but social distancing and mask in place for rental until further notice.
Please keep in mind that these changes are being enacted in order to limit exposure to the virus to you and employees of the businesses. Your patience is greatly appreciated and we look forward to returning to our normal standard of business as soon as possible.
COVID-19 INFO & HELPFUL LINKS Health screening
What are the symptoms of this disease? Coronavirus infection in humans can result in respiratory illness ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases such as pneumonia. The symptoms are similar to those caused by other respiratory viruses, such as the flu, and include fever, cough and difficulty breathing.
How does the virus spread? The virus is spread by direct contact with respiratory droplets that are sneezed or coughed from people who are ill. At this time, there is no specific treatment for the illness. Instead, treatment involves supportive care for symptoms. Efforts are underway to develop a vaccine. Currently, it is thought that the novel coronavirus virus spreads from person-to-person between people who are in close contact with one another (within about six feet). Based on other coronaviruses, symptoms may appear anywhere from two to 14 days after someone is exposed.
Choose information sources wisely... Information about this new illness is still developing, but be aware of the “infodemic” which often accompanies such a topic. False information already exists online about the coronavirus, so stick to reliable websites for your information and updates. Here are several sites to consider.