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Planning and Zoning


Before purchasing property it is recommended that you called Town Hall (843-623-9099) to inquiry if the parcel is zoned and if it meets minimum parcel requirements.


Zoning (Zoning Ordinance) (please see amendments as well for changes) Downtown District, (Zoning Amendments) (FA amendment) is an important tool for the Town in shaping growth and development. It supports the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan. Zoning is designed to protect property values and guide the development of town in a unified community vision.  Zoning prevents incompatible land uses from popping up in inappropriate areas.  For instance, a factory doesn't belong in a neighborhood and a house shouldn't be built in an industrial park!


Plats are required.  Zoning Code-300.5. Plat Required.  A plat prepared by a registered surveyor in South Carolina must be submitted to the Town Administrator (no form required, just send via email or in person) for review before any building permit is issued or building is placed, constructed, erected, or moved on a lot in the Town of Chesterfield.  All buildings shall meet the set back requirements as required by each Zoning District, all requirements of section 300.2, Section 604, and applicable Building Codes.  


Subdivision ordinance.


For all Zoning, Rezoning and questions please email the Administrator or call 843-623-9099.   

Zoning/rezoning Form.

Zoning districts are a community's classifications of areas which outline appropriate land uses and standards. Standards include building height, setbacks  [distances from property lines, a quick glance at setback requirements,] (see amendments above for changes to setbacks and others), signs, and buffers between uses to name a few.  


There are multiple zoning districts in the Town of Chesterfield.  The Official Zoning Map serves as the geographic representation of Zoning Districts.  Zoning Map Downtown District will be added to the map, as soon as possible.

There are three main commissions associated with Zoning; the Chesterfield  the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Board of Architectural Review (BAR) and the Chesterfield County Joint Planning Commission. 


The Comprehensive Plan for the town is reviewed every ten years for suggested focus of the town.    

                                Joint Comprehensive Plan    County Planning link


2025 Joint Planning Commission Submission Deadline and meeting schedule.

Submission Deadline - 12:00 p.m.                                                  Meeting date - 5:30 p.m.

January 1, 2025                                                                                 January 23, 2025

February 5, 2025                                                                               February 27, 2025

March 5, 2025                                                                                   March 27, 2025

April 2, 2025                                                                                     April 24, 2025

April 30, 2025                                                                                   May 22, 2025

June 4, 2025                                                                                      June 26, 2025

July 2, 2025                                                                                       July 24, 2025

August 6, 2025                                                                                  August 28, 2025

September 3, 2025                                                                            September 25, 2025

October 1, 2025                                                                                October 23, 2025

No meetings in November and December  Meetings-178 Mill Street, County Council Chambers.


Applications are received electronically to email.  Application fees ($200) can be submitted by person, 178 Mill Street or phone 843-623-9615.




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